February 15, 2025

My Views on News

Impartial and Unflinching

Welkait Alamata dispute

Roadmap to Resolve Welkait & Alamata Dispute

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The National Committee formed to resolve the deadlock over Welkait & Raya Alamata has held a meeting. The committee has representatives from Tigray and Amhara regions. The committee agreed to implement a plan in a short period of time to solve the long standing issue. The committee has agreed on the following points:

1. Federal Government/Defense will take over the responsibility of coordinating the peace and the process.

2. Return of IDPs to their old places to be a priority, that every displaced person will return without any preconditions. The number and list of the displaced people will be identified as early as possible and given to the Ethiopian National Defense Force

3. No armed people from Tigray will be allowed to enter disputed territories. They can return as unarmed civilians.

4. Administration and security structure established in contested territories will be dismantled.

5. After IDPs return, a new administration that includes the participation of those who return will be elected. From Kebele level, the new representatives will be elected. The process will be monitored by observers and military.

6. The federal government budget will be allocated directly after the administration of the locals is elected.

7. A referendum in Welkait, Alamata, Tselemti etc will be held after it has been confirmed that convenient time and situation has been created.

8. An operational team will be formed that will execute the main issues agreed at the committee meeting.

09. A team of observers will monitor the implementation of the agreement and its mission is to observe the implementation process.

10. Both Tigray and Amhara regions should trust the national defense forces, so that the members of the defense force could be able to monitor the implementation.

11. The national committee and the operational team will meet every two weeks and evaluate the performance and strive to accomplish its goals it in less than two months.

It would be interesting to see if the agreement reached by representatives from Tigray and Amhara regions will be practically implemented or not.

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