Family of a senior official from the Amhara region has been kidnapped. The incident points towards deteriorating law & order situation in the Amhara region. Yesterday a top Fano militia commander was killed by Ethiopian military in the region.
Wendwossen Lagesse is working as Amhara Regional Communication Affairs bureau official. He worked as advisor to the Amhara regional president too. Reportedly Wondwossen Legesse’s wife and kid were kidnapped on Wednesday. The incident happened in Ababy Mido near Bahir Dar, Amhara regional capital.
No armed group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping so far. But sources suggest that the abduction is linked to the death of Fano commander Wubante Abate. Yesterday Fano fighters and Ethiopian military confirmed the death of a top Fano militia commander. Wubante Abate was leading South Gondar Fano. He was killed on Tuesday in a military operation in Hamusit near Bahir Dar, the regional capital.
After the death of the commander, Fano fighters announced to take revenge. Since then intensity of fighting has been on the rise between Fano militia members and the Ethiopian military.
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