Ethiopia: While fighting is intensifying between Ethiopian Federal, Regional forces, and Tigray forces, a conservation area has been set on fire in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region.
Guassa Community Conservation center is located near Ephratana Gidim woreda in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region. The conservation area is home to some rare plant and animal species including the unique Ethiopian wolf.
According to some reports, some parts of the conservation area have been set on fire. Heavy clashes are going on in the area between Tigray forces, Oromo Liberation Army members, and Ethiopian Federal troops supported by Amhara region forces.
Was the area set on fire intentionally or unintentionally? Air and drone strikes have also been reported in this area. Since intense fighting is still underway in most parts of the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region, it is not possible to independently verify who set this conservation area on fire.
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