May 5, 2024

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Tigray news

Tigray army chief General Werede says we are making adjustments

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Ethiopia: General Tadesse Werede Tigray’s military chief confirmed, in a briefing a few hours ago, that Tigray forces were making adjustments. Tigray forces have been seen withdrawing from several places in the Afar and Amhara regions of Ethiopia this week.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad claims that Tigray forces have been dispersed and defeated. But General Werede said in the briefing Tigray fighters are withdrawing from some places voluntarily and after restructuring, they will relaunch their offensive to remove Abiy Ahmad from power.

Tigray news

Tigray forces retreated from the Afar region and Gashena front in the Amhara region after suffering battlefield losses. But after that, they started withdrawing from other fronts voluntarily. Will Tigray Defence Force retreat from all the towns under its control in Amhara? Will TDF withdraw from large cities like Dessie, Kombolcha, and Woldia?

General Werede called upon the people of Tigray to have trust in Tigray Defence Force. He said if we take one step back today, we can take two steps ahead tomorrow.

It seems that Tigray forces are going to make large-scale military withdrawals in the coming days too. Reportedly Ethiopian National Defence Force and Regional Forces are giving safe passage to retreating Tigray forces.