The Ethiopian Ministry of Education has announced that new curriculum will enable Ethiopian students to speak 3 languages. The announcement came on Monday.
The ministry explained that students will learn in their mother tongue in pre-primary level, in English in primary level and in another language of the neighboring region after the 3rd grade.
The ministry also stated that the language of the neighboring region is not chosen by the ministry but by the regions.
“We will also look at the suggestions from teachers, parents and students regarding the problems of the curriculum,” the Ministry said. According to the Ministry of Education, 18 million books have reached Djibouti which will be soon be delivered to students. Ethiopia, a landlocked country, uses Djibouti’s ports for its imports and exports.
Novel idea! Any widely spoken language is defined as a means of communication. It’s better to learn and teach one another in neghbourhood mood and peacefully. Knowing one more language develops social capital.
Let them learn English Arabic French That let them internationally qualified get their chance where ever they be
Somali will florish since somali region of etheiopia are Ethnic Somalis. Djabuti also is a Somali speaking nation.
Teaching Arabic will great if included in the curriculum because Ethiopia neibhouring countries are Arabic speaker also there are millions of diaspora living in Arab countries which will help their communication.
Am from from Uganda working and living in United Arab Emirates.We work with so many Ethiopians sisters and brothers here.Besides selecting 3 languages to be spoken I think they might have put more emphasis in teaching English coz it’s the international language.85% number of Ethiopian here can’t speak English and they have missed good opportunities for better jobs ie only taking last option jobs .NB am not criticizing any nationality but that’s the truth behind the mirror.
It is great but late to use beauty of Ethiopian diversity of languages!. This is basic to form multilingual citizens that interacts and accommodates diversity.
This is not good for Amhara
Since every one should speak their language and embrace their religion and culture that will make them completely ethiopian
Swahili is NOT spoken in most African countries. Africa has 54 countries. Most means more than half, like 30.
Arabic is the missing language so many Muslims there
I am hoping for Swahili 😊 It’s spoken in most African countries, so let Swahili be the 3rd
I’d expect Swahili because it’s the African language accepted by the African Union whose headquarters is in Addis Ababa!
It depends on the region plus swahili not spoken in most of Afrikan countries lol