Tigray Ethiopia: Ethiopian and International human rights bodies have confirmed that a large number of Ethiopians of Tigrayan ethnicity are being detained across Ethiopia. Yesterday UN Human Rights Commission spokesperson, Liz Throssel, confirmed in a press briefing that people of Tigrayan ethnicity have been detained in different parts of Ethiopia.
Earlier Ethiopian state-backed Human Rights Commission voiced concerns over the arbitrary arrest of Ethiopians in Addis Ababa and other parts of the country. Tigray-backed news sources claim that tens of thousands of Tigrayans have been arrested so far under the guise of the proclamation of National Emergency announced by the Ethiopian government.
The Ethiopian government so far has not released figures about how many Ethiopians or Tigrayans have been detained so far by security forces after the announcement of National Emergency to make preparations against advancing Tigray People’s Liberation Front fighters and Oromo Liberation Army members.
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