These are the updated Hibret Bank exchange rates for today.
14 August 2024
Currency | Cash Buying | Cash Selling |
US Dollar USD | 103.4428 | 116.8904 |
Euro EUR | 113.0319 | 127.7261 |
Pound Sterling GBP | 132.0654 | 149.2339 |
The Hibret Bank exchange rates are regularly updated on this site. Not only are Hibret Bank FX rates updated, but also the other banks are covered on this site.
Name=hailu bekele
My CBE bank saving book account =1000382384877
Name hailu belele
Livińg adress bishftu city
Bank name =hibret bank
Branch=lem hotel addis abeba branch
Mobile number=+251911911409
Type of account=personal saving book
CBE 1000510210216
Name muluken zerihun w/kidan nationality ethiopia country address City ziway Batu oromya mobile number 251921478060 commercial Bank ACCOUNT number 1000137405842 have payment personal