Four Banks have been robbed in the Amhara region of Ethiopia in the last ten days. Since last year, the security situation in the region has been deteriorating due to widespread fighting between Amhara Fano militias and security forces.
Dashen Bank branch in Debre Markos East Gojjam Amhara was robbed earlier this week. It was followed by robbing of a Commercial Bank of Ethiopia branch in South Wollo.
Two banks were robbed in Gishen Debrekerbe church area last Saturday. The Bank of Abyssinia and Tsedey Banks were robbed six days after the annual religious program celebrated in this area.
Security Forces accuse Fano fighters of working in collaboration with external forces to destabilize the region. Fano group say that they are fighting in defense to protect Amhara people. No official statements have been issued by the banks authorities so far.
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