While Tigray forces continue their retreat from the Kombolcha and Dessie cities of the Amhara region, a drone strike happened...
In this category, you will get all the Impartial and Unflinching news about Tigray. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
Tigray President Debretsion Gebremichael has issued a statement about the withdrawal of his forces. Within the past 1 week, Tigray...
Breaking News Ethiopia: Tigray President Debretsion Gebaemichael is alive. Rumors were going around that he had been killed in a...
Ethiopia: General Tadesse Werede Tigray's military chief confirmed, in a briefing a few hours ago, that Tigray forces were making...
Tigray forces have retreated from more towns of the Amhara region. Ethiopian Communication Ministry also confirmed today that Ethiopian government...