The Urban Agriculture Office of the city administration announced that they are marketing more than 23,000 liters of milk per day in Butajra city administration.
The head of the office, Mr. Seifu Menge, shared that the city administration is carrying out many urban agriculture projects. With these projects, the city is supplying more than 23 thousand liters of milk to the market every day.
Mr. Menge mentioned that the announcement of the Lemat Turfat movement has created a great opportunity for the city. He said that many citizens are engaging in animal husbandry, dairy farming, poultry farming, and green cultivation.
The Butajra city administration has planned to create 20 milk villages in the fiscal year. So far, they have organized 18 dairy villages and are working to improve the breed of dairy cows to increase their efficiency.
Mr. Menge explained that they are producing and supplying more than 23,000 liters of milk to the city and neighboring areas, as well as the market, so many people are benefiting from it. He added that more than 1,900 people have been able to create permanent and temporary jobs through dairy farming alone.
The head also mentioned that the city has established 17 chicken villages. He said that there are citizens who are raising up to four thousand egg-laying chickens. He pointed out that they have recorded great results in beekeeping, with young people generating capital up to three million birr from small amounts.
Mr. Menge said that the government is providing the necessary assistance for the development work, including the provision of resources, workplaces, and professional training. He pointed out that, due to the results obtained, many are showing interest in entering Lemat’s legacy works, and the city administration is working to organize these citizens, choose places, and create favorable conditions.
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