February 15, 2025

My Views on News

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Addis Ababa Lease

Addis Ababa Lease Agreements Registration Date Extended

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Addis Ababa authorities have extended the date for the registration of lease agreements. The date for the registration of the lease agreements has been extended until July 31, 2024.

Following the issuance of the Housing Control and Management Decree 1320/2016, the Addis Ababa City Administration issued Executive Order No. 7/2016 asking city residents to complete the registration of tenant-landlord lease deals within 30 days till the 7th of July 2024.

248,469 rental contracts were registered within the last 26 days, and the registration is still ongoing, the Addis Ababa Housing Development and Management Office announced.

Since people are still arriving at the office for registration of lease agreements, the request to extend the date has been widely raised by various sections of the society. The city government has realized that it is difficult to complete the registration of the remaining unregistered tenant’s lease agreement by July 7, 2024. Therefore the deadline has been extended by July 31.

The office once again urged residents of the city who are landlords or tenants of private houses to register before the deadline expires. Since the contract registration will be held outside regular working hours, including evenings, Saturdays and Sundays, it is said that registrants can go and register at their convenient time without being crowded.

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